
The 'map' logic block is designed for working with arrays. It allows you to iterate over elements in the array and apply the same operation to each element, streamlining data manipulation and processing.

Understanding the 'Map' Iterator:

The 'Map' iterator in eMOBIQ is like a tour guide that takes you through each element in an array, applying the same operation to all elements. It simplifies data processing, making it easier to perform repetitive operations uniformly.

Key Features of 'Map':

  • It takes an array as input and processes each element using the specified 'callback' logic.

Implementing Maps in Visual Logic:

  1. Drag and drop the 'Map' logic block onto the visual logic canvas.

  2. Pass the array you want to process into the 'values' parameter of the 'Map' logic block.

  3. Add the logic blocks inside the 'callback' to apply the desired operation to each element.

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