The 'Chart' component is used to display data in a visual format using charts.
chart1, chart2
Specifies the name or identifier of the chart component.
Style Class
Specifies the style class to be applied to the chart component.
ID Prefix
[Only used when placed inside a 'Datalist' component] Specifies the prefix used for the unique identification of this component inside a datalist. The name identifier of this component will be overwritten with the concatenation of ID Prefix and ID Field.
ID Field
[Only used when placed inside a 'Datalist' component] Specifies the field name from a data source bound to the parent 'Datalist' component. The name identifier of this component will be overwritten by concatenating the ID Prefix and the value in the data source referenced by the ID Field.
Related Actions
chartPopulateLineData - Description of action for populating line data.
chartPopulateStepData - Description of action for populating step data.
chartPopulateStepAreaData - Description of action for populating step area data.
chartPopulateBarData - Description of action for populating bar data.
chartPopulatePieData - Description of action for populating pie data.
chartPopulateDonutData - Description of action for populating donut data.
chartPopulateSplineData - Description of action for populating spline data.
chartPopulateAreaData - Description of action for populating area data.
chartPopulateAreaSplineData - Description of action for populating area spline data.
chartPopulateScatterPlotData - Description of action for populating scatter plot data.
chartPopulateGaugeData - Description of action for populating gauge data.
Example Uses
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