

Performs a SOAP API call using a SOAP Connector.

Input / Parameter

header (Object | List)

Will contain a single object, or a list of one (1) or more objects of the SOAP header which consist of key-value pairs to be sent as part of the request. The structure of the object should be:

attachment (Object | List)

Map of the key to the file path for attaching files to upload along with te body. Will contain a single object, or a list of one (1) or more objects which consist of:





The action performed if this function runs successfully.



The action performed if this function runs successfully.



In this example, we will create a connection using the soapCall function.


  1. Drag a SOAP Connector component into the services panel in the service page and then fill the fields.

  2. Drag a button component to a page in the mobile designer.

  3. Select the event press and drag the Connector.soapCall function to the event flow and fill in the parameter.

  4. For the header param change it's type to a function / subflow and put Conversion.toList inside it, and change value1 and value2 param type to a function / subflow.

  5. For value1 value put Conversion.toObject inside it then add localName, mustUnderstand, value as object key with Username, false, abcd as it's value respectively.

  6. For value2 value put Conversion.toObject inside it then add localName, mustUnderstand, value as object key with Password, false, 1234 as it's value respectively.

  7. For the body param change it's type to a function / subflow and put Conversion.toObject inside it, and then add ubiNum as object key with 1234 as it's value.

  8. Open the preview and try to press the Button, the soap call should be visibile on the inspector network tab.


The information of the SOAP call should be returned.

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