Getting Started

Welcome to eMOBIQ, the platform that empowers you to create and customize mobile apps without writing a single line of code. This quick start guide seeks to provide a condensed understanding of the workflow of a typical app building process in eMOBIQ, and also highlight advanced features you can use to work more efficiently and extend the capabilities of your app. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Create Pages

Begin by creating the foundation of your app: pages. These are the screens that users will interact with. To create a page:

  • Log in to your eMOBIQ account.

  • Navigate to the dashboard.

  • Click on "Create New Page".

  • Give your page an appropriate name.

2. UI/UX Design

Now it's time to design your pages' user interfaces and user experiences. Note that you can also create pages with a page wizard. In this section, we will go with the manual approach for more flexibility. You have two options:

2.1 Use Templates

eMOBIQ provides a library of pre-designed templates for various app types. To use a template:

  • Select the page you created.

  • Click on the template button.

  • Browse and select a template that fits your app's concept. Drag and drop onto the page editor to apply the template.

  • Customize the template by adding your content and design elements.

2.2 Custom Design

If you prefer a more customized approach, you can design your UI/UX from scratch:

  • Select the page you created.

  • Use the intuitive drag-and-drop interface to add components like buttons, text fields, images, and more to the page interface.

  • Configure each component's appearance and behavior with properties and event-triggered actions.

3. Component Logic

Enhance your app's functionality by assigning logic blocks to component events. This allows you to define what happens when a user interacts with a component. To assign component logic:

  • Select the component you want to add logic to.

  • Select the events like button clicks or text input.

  • Set actions, such as navigation, data retrieval, or data submission.

Note that you can also create logic with a function wizard.

4. Services

If your app requires integration with external systems, eMOBIQ simplifies the process. To connect your app to external systems:

  • Access the "Services" section in the dashboard.

  • Choose the service you want to integrate (e.g., databases, APIs).

  • Follow the provided setup instructions in the Services documentation to establish connections seamlessly.

5. Global Configuration

Configure your app's global settings to ensure a consistent user experience. This includes:

  • Setting a default page that users see when they open the app.

  • Configuring build settings with your ios and android development credentials.

  • Managing app-wide configurations that apply to all pages, such as global css properties and plugins.

6. Language Translation

If your app targets a multilingual audience, eMOBIQ simplifies language translation:

  • Access the "Language" section.

  • Create mappings for different languages.

  • Translate your app's text elements, making your app accessible to a global audience.

7. Build the App

Once you've designed and configured your app, it's time to build it:

  • Click on the "Build" button.

  • Select the target platform (iOS, Android).

  • eMOBIQ will compile your app, and you'll receive a download link or QR code to test it on your device.

8. Advanced Features

Take your app to the next level with these advanced features:

8.1 Using Page and Function Wizards

To streamline interactive app development, eMOBIQ offers Page and Function Wizards. These tools help you create complex app functionalities with ease:

8.1.1 Page Wizards

Page Wizards simplify the creation of dynamic and interactive pages. Here's how to use them:

  • Navigate to the "Page Wizard" in the dashboard.

  • Choose an option that fits your app's needs (e.g., Generate Page, Data Listing).

  • Follow the wizard's step-by-step instructions to configure the page's structure and behavior.

8.1.2 Function Wizards

Function Wizards enable you to build advanced app logic without coding. Here's how they work:

  • Access the "Function Wizards" in the dashboard.

  • Select an option tailored to your requirements (e.g., Login, Process Data, Calculate Data).

  • Follow the wizard's prompts to define the logic and conditions for your app's functions.

8.2 Using Plugins to Import Custom Components and Functions

eMOBIQ allows you to import your custom components and functions through plugins. This advanced feature empowers you to extend your app's capabilities:

8.2.1 Plugin Integration

  • Navigate to the "Plugins" section.

  • Browse the available plugins or upload your custom ones via global configurations.

  • Integrate plugins seamlessly into your app's UI/UX design and logic.

8.2.2 Custom Component Creation

  • You can use eMOBIQ Service Manager (ESM) to import your own custom plugins. Do visit our ESM page for more information.

  • Leverage plugins to create and import custom components like advanced charts, custom form elements, or specialized widgets.

  • Customize these components to align with your app's unique requirements.

8.3 Use of Global Functions and UI/UX Snippets for Modularity and Reusability

To promote modularity and reusability in your app development process, eMOBIQ offers Global Functions and UI/UX Snippets:

8.3.1 Global Functions

  • Define global functions that can be reused across multiple pages and components.

  • Access the "Global Functions" section to create, edit, and manage these functions.

  • Implement them in component logic to maintain consistency and reduce redundancy.

8.3.2 UI/UX Snippets

  • Save frequently used UI/UX design elements, such as navigation bars, headers, or custom buttons, as snippets.

  • Access the "Snippets" library to organize and reuse these snippets using the Snippet component.

  • Enhance app consistency and design efficiency by applying snippets to multiple pages.

Congratulations! You've just created your app using eMOBIQ's no-code platform. Start testing and refining your app, and when you're ready, you can publish it to the app stores for the world to enjoy. Happy app building!

Last updated