Table Content

Create Table Content

To create a new Table Content,

Modifying Table Content

To modify a Table Content,

  1. Highlight the table which content you want to modify, then select the Content tab.

  2. Select the field that you want to modify

  3. Modifying the selected field depending on the fields type

    • Type on the field to modify the selected value for VARCHAR typed field or select from the selection for BOOLEAN typed field

  4. The type for each field in Content tab will depends on the table structure type

    • There are 8 types selection:

      • VARCHAR

      • BOOLEAN

      • INT

      • DATE

      • TIME

      • DATETIME

      • DECIMAL

      • BLOB

    • The detailed information for each supported data type can be found here: MariaDB-data-types

  5. The changes on the Content tab will be automatically saved to the server.

Delete Table Content

To delete a Table Content,

  1. Highlight the table which content you want to delete, then select the Content tab.

Last updated