Editing Database

Create Database & Table

To create a new Database or Table,

    • Charset available:

      • utf8mb4

      • latin1

    • Collation available for utf8mb4 Charset:

      • utf8mb4_general_ci

      • utf8mb4_unicode_ci

    • Collation available for latin1 Charset:

      • latin1_general_ci

      • latin1_swedish_ci

  1. The new database will be created inside the root database.

    • Engine available:

      • InnoDB

      • MyISAM

    • Charset available:

      • utf8mb4

      • latin1

    • Collation available for utf8mb4 Charset:

      • utf8mb4_general_ci

      • utf8mb4_unicode_ci

    • Collation available for latin1 Charset:

      • latin1_general_ci

      • latin1_swedish_ci

  2. The new table will be created inside the highlighted database / on top of the highlighted table.

Rename Database & Table

To rename a Database or Table,

  1. Highlight the database / table which you want to rename

  2. The new name will then be used.

Modify Database & Table Configuration

To modify a Database or Table configuration,

  1. Highlight the database or table which you want to modify.

    • Host

    • Port

    • Username

    • Charset available:

      • utf8mb4

      • latin1

    • Collation available for utf8mb4 Charset:

      • utf8mb4_general_ci

      • utf8mb4_unicode_ci

    • Collation available for latin1 Charset:

      • latin1_general_ci

    • Engine available:

      • InnoDB

      • MyISAM

    • Charset available:

      • utf8mb4

      • latin1

    • Collation available for utf8mb4 Charset:

      • utf8mb4_general_ci

      • utf8mb4_unicode_ci

    • Collation available for latin1 Charset:

      • latin1_general_ci

      • latin1_swedish_ci

  2. Confirm the configuration change. The item configuration will then be updated.

Delete Database & Table

To delete a Database or a Table,

  1. Highlight the database or table which you want to remove.

  2. Confirm the deletion. The item will then be removed.

Last updated