
Create Action & Folder

To create a new Action or folder,

  1. Highlight the folder where you want to place it.

  2. Select the Create button at the middle of the main section.

  3. Select the type and enter a name for the Action or Folder. Types available:

    • Action: Create a new Action.

    • Folder: Create a new folder, which may hold one or more Action.

  4. The new Action/Folder will be created under the highlighted folder.

  5. Alternatively, select the Create button on the top right section. The item will be created alongside the currently highlighted Action, if applicable.

Rename Action & Folder

To create a new Action or folder,

  1. Select the Rename button on the top right section.

  2. Enter a new name for the Action or folder

  3. The new name will then be used.

Delete Action & Folder

To delete a new Action or folder,

  1. Highlight the Action or folder which you want to remove.

  2. Select the Delete button on the top right section.

  3. Confirm the deletion. The item will then be removed.

Last updated