

A platform used to create server related modules and provides information related to the application.

As shown in the image above, the header consists of:

  • Emobiq Logo at the top left to navigate to homepage

  • Application's name and version

  • Save Button to save the application's current state (as shown in the image below)

  • Build button to build the application and check build log histories (as shown in the image below)

  • Download button to download the built files

  • Help button which will open the Help Modal that contains general instructions for using the Server platform

Main Pages

Currently there are 4 main pages on Server platform which are briefly explained below, for more details please click the title of each menu:

This page provides an overview of the application's information and insights that are important to the user.

This page is the main part of the platform and where users will spend most of their time designing Server-related modules.

This is the page to create connectors and services that will be used inside the Module page.

This page provides control over crucial configurations that will be used mainly by the generated application.

Last updated