

This page contains the Connectors and Services that will be used in the generated application.

Access this page through the service menu in the toolbar.

Supported Services

The menu on the left side displays the supported Services, currently this includes:

  • RAW(REST) Connector: used as a connector for REST endpoints which parameter includes:

    • Name: identifier of the connector

    • Url: endpoint of the Rest Endpoint

    • Timeout: the configuration for the duration before the api times out

  • SOAP Connector: used as a connector for API using SOAP approach.

    • Name: identifier of the connector.

    • Url: endpoint of the SOAP Endpoint.

    • Timeout: the configuration for the duration before the api times out.

  • Database Connector: used as a connector to the Database that is created on Database Module and will be generated upon running the application.

    • Name: identifier of the connector.

    • Database: selection of database that has been created on the Database module.

  • Database Table Connector: used as a connector to the Database Table that is created on Database Module and will be generated upon running the application.

    • Name: identifier of the connector

    • Database: selection of database that has been created on the Database module

    • Table: selection of table that has been created on the Database module

Sample of Created Services

Last updated