

This page contains various configurations that will be used throughout the application.

Access this page through the configuration menu in the toolbar.


This is the general configuration of the application:

  • Application Settings

    • Group: the group identifier or namespace for your project.

    • Artifact: the unique name for your project or application within the group. It's the primary identifier for your application.

    • Package Name: the naming convention used to organize your Java classes that is derived from your group and artifact.

    • SMTP Timeout: refers to the maximum time (in milliseconds) that the email sending operation will wait for a response from the SMTP server before timing out.

    • File Storage Path: refers to the directory location on the server where your application will store uploaded files or other resources.

  • SOAP Connector: used as a connector for API using SOAP approach.

    • Name: identifier of the connector

    • Url: endpoint of the SOAP Endpoint.

    • Timeout: the configuration for the duration before the api times out.

  • Thread:

    • Async Pool Size: refers to the number of threads that are available in the asynchronous task execution pool.

    • Async Queue Capacity:: refers to the maximum number of tasks that can be waiting in the queue for execution in the async task pool.

    • Async Max Size: refers to the maximum number of threads that the async task pool can expand to when the pool size is exceeded and the queue is full.

    • Schedule Pool Size: refers to the number of threads available for executing scheduled tasks.


This is the configuration for oauth2 in the application:

  • Authentication Settings

    • Client ID: a unique identifier assigned to an application that wants to access resources on behalf of a user.

    • Client Secret: a confidential string or password associated with the client ID. It's used to authenticate the application to the authorization server during the token exchange process.

    • Access Token Validity - Seconds: refers to the period of time (in seconds) for which an access token is considered valid. When a user authorizes a client application to access their resources, the authorization server issues an access token.

    • Refresh Token Validity - Seconds: refers to the period of time (in seconds) for which a refresh token is considered valid.


The configuration for the SSL in the application:

  • SSL Settings

    • Enabled: to enable/disable the SSL.

    • Key Alias: is a human-readable name that uniquely identifies a specific key entry within a keystore.

    • Key Password: is a password associated with the private key stored in the keystore.

    • Key Store: is a secure container that holds cryptographic keys, certificates, and sometimes trusted certificates.

    • Key Store Key: specifies the format of the keystore file. Common keystore types include Java KeyStore (JKS) and PKCS#12 (often with the .p12 or .pfx extension).

    • Key Store Password: is the password used to protect the entire keystore.

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